Trees A collection of pictures and captions of Trees that have caught my attention during my travels.


This beautiful  oak tree was found while riding a bike on the San Antonio River walk trail. I love how it sits alone in the River walk trail providing shade to the bench seen on the right side of the trail.

The green branches shine bright against the blue sky.


This tree was found after I took a nice walk in a Downtown Austin Cementary. I was driving to my parents house when the beautiful field of bluebonnets caught my peripheral’s attention.

I had to stop and take a walk, I loved the morbidly beautiful juxtaposition of the fields of Bluebonnets surrounding the headstones.

This tree caught my attention as it stood as a powerful figure providing shade to the resting souls below. It seems romantic to be buried next to a huge oak tree. The tree feeding from your nutrients of the Dead, as it provides Oxygen, Shade, and Shelter to all Living.